1986 >> August >> Rhonda The Heavy Set Signal  

Rhonda, The Heavy-Set Signal
by H. G. "Bee" Hyve

Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", August 1986, page 42

Hi. My name is Rhonda. I'm a sage green California CD 166, and I'm a little bit overweight. But before I get started on my story, I'd just like to say something to all of you other Rhondas who may be reading this; I'm not talking about you at all.. I'm talking about ME!

If you are at all familiar with me, you know that I as heavy-set. I have been so almost all of my life. I have tried and tried to lose weight, but I just can't. Nothing works. I've drunk high protein powder until I'm sage green in the face. I've been to weight-loss meetings where they've called me a pig. I've starved on salads until I thought I was going to faint. I even had the Hong Kong flu once for nine days and hardly ate a thing...and didn't lose a single ounce. Doctors have told me I have a thyroid problem, but when I tell people that, they don't believe me. They just laugh.

Nobody really notices me, you know. I've been to shows and I've just sat on sales tables for days, and people just breeze on by me and never even hardly pick me up. They prefer the slimmer signals to me. Even California specialists barely take notice of me. It's true! I am just something they HAVE to get in order to complete their CD's in California glass, but they don't rant and rave when they buy me like they do when they find other CD's. Yes, although I round out (pun intended) their collections by being there, that's all I mean to them. And, as far as I know, no one at all specializes in just ME.

You know, I've watched people closely when I'm placed in a display. I'm usually in an all California display, almost never in any other type. But as I sit there so proudly on the shelf, I watch people's eyes, and they never travel to me. Oh, no. Their eyes travel over to the CD 190/191 first. Then to the CD 201, if there is one. Then they look over at the slimmer signals like the CD 162'a, and the petite CD 133's. And of course everyone loves a baby, so their eyes seek out the cute little CD 160's. And after they've looked all of those over, they start gazing at the different colors. It's when they do this that I think I might be going to get Some recognition at last. But no. They skip right over me again.

There is one part of my life which I find difficult to talk about; I am in love. But it is (so far) an unrequited love. I have remained single all of this time, never having found the insulator with whom I cared to share my life. But about seven years ago I was placed in a collection that had a CD 151 peacock blue N.A.T. Co. in it, whose name is Richard. Oh! He is so handsome! Every time I look at that double row of peacock blue drip points I just swoon. They just blow my mind. I've tried everything in the book to get his attention, but nothing works. I guess it's because I'm so plain; I have no drip points or vibrant color with which to attract him. He has his eye on a pretty CD 164 emerald green McLaughlin. She's shorter than I am, but she has drip points, wouldn't you just KNOW it? But those flashy dames lose their looks quickly, while we plainer girls look better over the long run, so I have not given up on Richard quite yet. I figure if he likes emerald green, that isn't such a long way from sage...

You know, I am a very colorful person in my own right! Yes, I am. Did you know that I am listed in the latest Milholland book as having been seen in smoke, sage green, smokey purple, purple, peach, and even yellow? And not only that, I have been seen in at least three additional colors; smokey olive, smokey peach, and green. Rumor has it that one of my sisters has even appeared in a stunning burgundy! What do you think of that? But even when one of us shows up in those colors in a display, we're not the cause of much excitement.

Well, I am tired of it! And I want to let you all know something... I AM UNIQUE. Sure, I'm overweight. I'm bottom-heavy and I'm thick around the middle. So what? If I were slim like those CD 162's, I wouldn't be ME. The world is already flooded with CD 162's; there is no end to them. They are all over the place, everywhere you look. Not only are there Californias, but there are Hemingrays, H. G. Co.'s, Lynchburgs, Maydwells, and even no-names. But you will seldom find a CD 166 no-name, if ever. No, sir. So I am truly unique... one of a kind. That makes me special. Let those CD 162's prance around with their slim waists and tiny bottoms... they are a dime a dozen. But they don't have the dignity and grace of us heavier girls.

Just for the record, my measurements are very nearly the same as a CD 162. Because of a more heightened waist, I'm slightly taller, which makes me heavier, I'll admit. But my waist and hips measure the same as a CD 162's do! I'm bigger around on top (my upper wire groove brow) but I'm not ashamed of that. "Thin may be in", but my motto is "fat is where it's at".

Yes, although we go through life unnoticed or laughed at, we hold our head up with pride. For we are unique (and we make the rest of you look better). So we serve a purpose in this life. Next time you see me on a sales table, in someone's collection, or in a display, you might give me a little more attention after reading my story. Yes, take a good look at me next time! Don't see my figure; see ME. See that I am special; one of a kind. And I'm just as important to a California collection as any old Cd 190/191. After all, it takes TWO pieces to make something out of that insulator. I can be special all by myself.

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